Thursday 9 January 2014

Portfolio website

Alongside this blog i have my portfolio website: jamesfinlaysonconcepts which features the work produced during my MA course at Teesside from October 2012 to October 2013.

Also included are download links to a combined portfolio, and individual environment, character and vehicle portfolios. (although as i type this only the combined one is up, i'll get the others sorted shortly!)

Work displayed there will change over time so check back to see how it develops.


Refreshed blog kick off!

So this blog has finally been refreshed with a new look and new purpose. To kick things off here is an image i created which is my take on the rumored Ferrari sports car program at Le Mans in 2015/16. I began with a Modo block model which primarily gave me the wheels, and then did a Photoshop paintover. If you are not familiar with current Le Mans prototypes the car would exist to compete in the same category as this Audi and this Toyota. Enjoyed doing the piece, i plan to do more with modo following methods used by Scott Robertson as it seems a really good way to get moving with vehicle design.

'Raced' dirty version. These always feel a bit cooler when they look used.

And the clean one.